CSM Consulting
At CSM Integrative Yoga Therapy, we have 20+ years of experience creating programming for organizations committed to better health of the employees/members, clients, and their organization as a whole.
The real question – WHY are you here?
We want you to think about your organization:
what is the impact that you want to have?
what do you want to create?
what roadblocks have you come up against?
And then we come in, and the questions we answer together are:
how do you want to represent these ideas within your organization?
how can we implement tools within to help support your goals and ideals?
what is the best path/program we can implement together?
Anna Goodkind, Director of Early Education of the Trust Center for Early Education
“I have been working with Christyn for the past four years, across multiple classes of children and teachers at two different schools, and have been consistently in awe of her ability to connect with each individual on a personal level, and target the physical and emotional needs of every community member with patience and care. Christyn's dedication to yoga and mindfulness extends far beyond the mat, touching the lives of both children and adults with her expertise and compassion. As a director at two early childhood schools, I've had the privilege of witnessing the profound impact of her work firsthand. From toddlers to TK, to adults, Christyn's tailored approach fosters a sense of empowerment and self-awareness in every individual she encounters.”
Examples of Previously-Run Programs
Staff Education Day
A day long training/experience
Collective discussions of stressors and discussion how to mindfully work toward releasing them individually and collectively
An introduction to the breath work, yoga, and mindfulness that provides participants tools they can immediately implement into their lives to bring more ease and (Comfort?).
This kind of programming is perfect for your organization if time and resources are limited, but you still want to lay the foundations of wellness for your programming
Quarterly Staff Workshops
A yearlong commitment starting with discussions with leadership as well as employees about challenges facing that allow us to create customized plan of action for your organization.
Quarterly gatherings crafted to address pain points that can include breathwork, yoga, mindfulness practices as well as psycho-education to help to understand the how and why each practice is offered. Participants leave empowered to implement practices both at work as well as at home leading to greater satisfaction and stress reduction.
Evaluations will be performed throughout the year to be sure that goals set in the beginning are being worked toward/met.
Your organization is committed addressing it’s challenges in a holistic way to lead to greater employee satisfaction and productivity
Offering Yoga Therapy within Your Organization
This offering begins with a conversation about the intentions you have for your clients/patients. This is where we will start to co-create a therapeutic yoga program specific to your needs.
Learn what best practices exist to reach your goals, logistically and theoretically
Options to partner with CSM Integrative Yoga Therapy to facilitate programming or to have us support you in creating the positions needed as well as the hiring process.
Your organization is ready to build upon the foundation you’ve already started.